You can add new community cards, edit existing cards, publish and unpublish them, and delete them from your dashboard. Residents will see these community cards in the app. All residents living at the properties in a portfolio will see the cards during both the Join and Move in & Live phases of their rental journey.
You can manage a community card from the Community tab on your dashboard. Follow the steps below to unpublish and delete a community card.
- Go to the Community tab on your dashboard
- Select a community card from the list, filtering by status and/or portfolio
- Click Manage, then select Unpublish from the drop-down menu to unpublish a card. The card will still be saved to your dashboard so that you can edit it before republishing. To delete a card, select Delete from the drop-down menu. If you select this option, the card will be deleted permanently from your dashboard
If you need further assistance, email us at or reach out via chat.